Martin Smith joins TruthSeekah in this episode of The TruthSeekah Podcast as they discuss the importance of knowing who you are in Christ before operating in the things of the spirit.

During the talk, they also speak about an amazing encounter the two had during one of TruthSeekah’s retreat with an elemental angelic spirit.

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Knowing who you are in Christ is the foundation of walking in authority in the spirit realm. It is essential to understand your identity and the power that has been given to you as a child of God.

As Christians, we are adopted into the family of God through faith in Jesus Christ. This means that we have become joint-heirs with Him, inheriting all of His promises and benefits, including authority over the enemy and all his schemes.

Ephesians 2:6 says, “And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.” This passage shows us that we have been seated with Christ in a place of authority, far above all powers and principalities in the spiritual realm.

However, many Christians struggle to walk in this authority because they have not fully grasped who they are in Christ. They may believe that they are saved, but they do not understand the full extent of what salvation entails. They do not know that they have been given the same power and authority that Jesus exercised when He walked the earth.

To walk in authority in the spirit realm, it is essential to understand your identity as a child of God. This involves meditating on the Word of God and discovering who you are in Him. When you know who you are in Christ, you will have a confident understanding of your worth and your place in the Kingdom of God.

It is also important to recognize the power of your words and your thoughts. The words you speak and the thoughts you entertain have a significant impact on the spiritual realm. If you are speaking words of defeat and discouragement, you are giving the enemy a foothold in your life. However, if you speak words of faith and victory, you are exercising your authority and pushing back the forces of darkness.

In conclusion, knowing who you are in Christ is the key to walking in authority in the spirit realm. When you understand your identity and the power that has been given to you, you can confidently walk in victory and overcome the enemy in all his schemes. So meditate on the Word of God, discover your identity, and walk in the authority that has been given to you as a child of the Most High God.

Martin Smith created a phenomenal Identity Program that is designed to help people walk in the fullness of what God has for them. Check out his Identity Coaching Group on Facebook for more details.



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