In this episode TruthSeekah is joined by Brandon Barthrop of Red Letter Ministries. Brandon was delivered from years of habitual drug use whenever he came into relationship with Jesus. Brandon mentions having an open vision where God showed him a hookah hose and told him “take and inhale”. When he did he felt a euphoria greater than any substance that he has used in his life. This was the intoxication of the Holy Spirit. Gold told Brandon that he would get him higher and all the drugs on the face of the planet combined! Since that day Brandon has enjoyed living off of the bliss of God and practices what is called toking the ghost. Everyone has their opinion of Brandon and his eccentric practices but one thing that you cannot disagree with is his love for people and his openness to share his revelation of Christ.
Brandon On Vice | Drunk On God
I had a really adventurous and crazy life growing up. I had lived in 24 states before I was 18, and 4 different high schools. At 12 I asked satan into my heart. I got really deep into sorcery, necromancy, and warlocky for 6 years. I always heard voices as a kid. My mom even said she heard guttural voices coming out of my crib when I was an infant. I’m sure I was completely demonized my whole life until I got born in heaven in October 1999 when I was court-ordered to Minnesota Teen Challenge for drugs. I was completely strung out on all kinds of drugs. I was permi-fried from acid, and lived in a continual LSD trip. Tracers, shadows, and darkness abounded. I began manifesting demons nearly immediately after entering into the Teen Challenge program, and a lot of demons were cast out over a three month period. Everything afterward became much brighter spiritually and physically. I was told I was the worst case they had ever seen in Minnesota Teen Challenge history. They wouldn’t even give me a roommate for a long while because of the constant deliverance my first three months.
After I was cleaned out I felt physically light as a feather, truly born-again and all things had become new. Almost this entire time of deliverance the presence of the Lord felt like 10,000 watts of electricity surging through my entire body. Glory!
The first promise I received from the Lord was on the day I first starting receiving deliverance. The Holy Spirit said, “I will make you more high than all the drug addicts, and I will make them jealous of how high I get you.” I received many prophecies from many different people during this time as the Teen Challenge choir would travel to different churches each Sunday. Three Sundays in a row I received the same prophecy, “I will pour forth through you like a river of glory.” Amen.
While I was laying on my bed one night in January of 2000, 3 months into the program, I began to feel waves of liquid peace billow through my body and up through my head. I then began speaking in other tongues, and I didn’t even know anything about tongues! I was almost entirely clueless about Christianity going into Teen Challenge. My faith elevated ten times what it was, and I became very zealous for the Lord; zeal without knowledge. I was discipled by a powerful prophet for 22 months in Teen Challenge. Then I went to Bible college at North Central University in downtown Minneapolis to study pastoral studies and bible. Coming from a revival environment to NCU was shell-shock. Most Christian kids had never seen a miracle before in their lives, and I would see miracles almost daily at Teen Challenge. Four years in Bible college(with a 1 year break between junior and senior year) was a very dark night of the soul, not until my last semester did I begin to see light at the end of the valley. The Holy Spirit told me you’ll never pastor churches, but you’ll pastor cities, and nations. I know I have a 7-fold office ministry gift (judge, king, apostle, prophet, teacher, evangelist, pastor) from God and in only two years major U.S. cities are already being discipled. The Lord told me when I started this apostolic work in Minneapolis in the Spring of 2006, “5 years Minneapolis, 15 years U.S.A.”
This is a prophetic word of total domination religiously, economically, artistically, educationally, medically, and politically in the United States of America by 2027, total domination in Minneapolis, Minnesota by 2012. We are the army of God, and we cannot be stopped. This now last great grace is ensuing, for the 7 mountains of Babylon the Great shall be decimated by the wine press of Papa and the one mountain Zion, Jesus Christ, will arise as Chief. Even so come Lord Jesus! The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.
-Brandon Barthrop