Is there a such thing as a Christian Witch? The two seem like an oxymoron and as if they should NEVER go together. At least that’s what we’ve been told. But through further research, it seems that the early Christians, disciples and prophets resembled what many people would now label as “witchcraft” over western denominational Christianity. Is this true? Or is it a far stretch to justify living for the devil? Find out more in this 4 hour interview between Christian Witch Rev. Valerie Love aka KAISI.

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Rev. Valerie Love (aka KAISI) is an ordained minister of spiritual consciousness, a practicing Christian Witch and the author of 17 books on practical spirituality. At the YouTube channel, get your searing questions answered about all things Magick, Money & Metaphysics.

Valerie Love is a former financial planner with American Express who felt the soul urging to leave and fulfill her calling and destiny as an author and speaker on ascension and evolution of the soul. Her ultimate intention is to inspire to freedom: spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and financially.

Check Out More On Valerie Love and Christian Witches At

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