Daniel Thorness joins TruthSeekah in this episode of The TruthSeekah Podcast as they talk about being an open channel (portal) for God’s glory in the Earth.
Pastor Daniel Thorness was an active drug addict till homeless downtown at 18 years old and has now been sober for 14 years. He was a drug counselor for 4 years after getting his 2- year Drug Counsel certificate. A married man with 2 kids.
He’s the author of the book Growing Up Into Maturity: The Elementary Principles of Christ.
Today, he will be talking about how the presence of God changed his entire life.
Daniels Site: https://www.godswayhub.com/
Daniel Thorness & TruthSeekah Timestamps
Daniel Thorness – Encountering The Tangible Presence of God (Daily)
00:00 – 06:36 Introduction / Gratitude to the supporters / Patreon benefits / Shout out to new Patreon members / Retreat with Illuminati Congo
06:38 How Truthseekah met Daniel’s work
08:38 Who is Daniel Thorness?
10:50 Honor all languages and terminologies
13:00 Painting the cosmos with words
14:21 Channeling various essences
17:04 You are a channel of His love
17:59 Honoring contrast
18:41 Power over all powers
19:40 The Church of Lucifer
22:47 You are in God’s
23:58 Get ready because it’s already here
26:22 Words are doors
28:11 The truth of who you are
29:30 Heaven is at hand
30:05 Experience the fullness
33:33 Honor in the early church
34:33 Intercourse Retreat/ Physical gathering increases reality
36:32 Functions in the Body, outside of the box
37:42 Christ in the diversity
40:03 The Light in me honors the Light in you
41:25 it’s a trap that you have to love different ones
42:21 Luke Chapter 5
45:39 Choose to take the limits off
48:47 Nico Morales, a practical expression
52:42 you are a multidimensional being
53:48 The Cloud Experience
56:46 Lose sight and gain focus
57:20 What is possible for one person, is possible for everybody
58:53 Jealousy is unsatisfied honor
01:06:15 Cloud packages
01:17:00 Quick commercial
01:17:40 Honor yourself and you honor God
01:18:14 Delight yourself in the Lord
01:19:49 My Personal Apocalypse
01:21:31 The Mind of Christ
01:25:53 Love is the ladder
01:28:47 You are the fire of God!
01:32:30 Engage with Daniel
01:34:12 Daniel O. Reign Album
01:37:09 Jesus was the greatest expression of Love
01:37:51 Oneness is all there is
01:40:00 Blue energy during prayer
01:41:01 Blue fire on her awakening
01:42:04 Never judge a book by its cover
01:43:06 Blue Arc Energy
01:43:32 ‘I AM’
01:46:07 Seers
01:48:22 Honor things that you don’t like
01:50:32 Expect what you read on the scriptures
01:51:53 You have a ministry of reconciliation
01:52:56 DMT song
01:55:51 Alan Watts sampled in Truthseekah music
01:59:13 Impacting a new generation
02:03:27 You are where you are supposed to be