essential oil lemongrass


essential oil lemongrass

Lemongrass Essential Oil is acquired by the steam distillation process of the lemongrass plant/herb.  It has a citrusy aroma and
flavor.  The plant originates in India and Guatemala and has become the rage of the natural health movement.  It is so good for the body for purification, detoxification, and digestion.  In the past it was used to treat hypertension, fevers, digestive troubles, inflammation, and was even used as a sedative.  It also works as an effective bug repellent.  Ninety-one essential oils were tested in a 2008 against the staph infection of MRSA.  This study showed that




essential oil lemongrass“Remarkably, lemongrass essential oil completely inhibited all MRSA growth on the plate.”


The medical properties of the gem of an essential oil include antifungal, regenerates tissues and ligaments, antibacterial, dilates blood vessels and improves circulation, promotes lymph flow, antiparasitic, and anti-inflammatory. It is also cancer fighting.



essential oil lemongrass

Ailments treated by Lemongrass Essential Oil:


  • Bladder infection

  • Respiratory/sinus infection

  • Digestive problems

  • Parasites/bugs

  • Torn ligaments and muscles

  • Fluid retention

  • Varicose veins

  • Salmonella

  • Fever reducer



Common uses of the Essential Oil Lemongrass are:


  • essential oil lemongrassTopical- It is recommended that you dilute this oil and apply on location.  This oil can also applied to chakras and vita flex points for increased effectiveness.  You can make a spray out of it and use it to repel bugs. Also, you can add 5 drops to a spray bottle with water and use to kill fleas on your pets or repel bugs and parasites from your family, home and pets.
  • Aromatically- Diffuse this oil or inhale directly from the bottle to get this oil to your neurons super quickly.  Emotionally, lemongrass scent is known to promote psychic awareness and purification.  If you diffuse Lemongrass Essential Oil it will keep bugs away from your immediate area.  It is also known to be a relaxant and have a calming effect and may promote peaceful sleep.
  • Internally- You can take this oil as a dietary supplement in capsule form or add to your food and drink. You can add lemongrass oil to your tea to relieve menstrual cramps, irritability, and pain.  It is also known to help alleviate nausea and diarrhea.  This oil is known to increase urination and eliminate harmful bacteria from the bladder and urinary tract.

essential oil lemongrass

Let me know any questions or comments about Lemongrass or other essential oil uses by contacting me on my social media or leave a comment below.  If you are interested in purchasing lemongrass oil from the most reputable retailer in the country with the highest quality concentrated essential oils, click the link below.


essential oil digize

Click here to order your Lemongrass Essential Oil!




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