Check out this story of Jason Westerfield and his experience with telepathy and encountering the blue beings. This excerpt was taken from the episode that TruthSeekah did with Joshua 3rd Eye Friedman entitled DNA Activation, The Fibonacci Sequence & The 144,000. Jason Westerfield Telepathy Blue Beings and more discussed in this episode.
Jason Westerfield Telepathy Blue Beings
Listen To The Entire Episode Here
Jason Westerfield was blacklisted from the church circles by many of his elders from Bethel Church. Bill Johnson and many others called out Jason from the pulpits across America saying that his teachings and ministry was heretical and downright dangerous. For me I find it quite weird when people on the fringe call out other fringe christians. Its like many in the charismatic circles are super far out but they have to distance themselves from the people who go out a little further so that it makes them seem “ok”. I have found that the spirit behind anyone “calling someone out” is found rooted in the person downing others only to try and draw people to what they are building themselves.