In this episode of The TruthSeekah Podcast I did a live Q&A with the chat and found myself answering a lot of questions about living in the spirit. Many churches and denominations have different doctrines and traditions when it comes to the baptism of Holy Spirit and the baptism of Fire. Some I’m think that these are two different baptisms and others think that these are one in the same. From my studies and research these two are the same, when John the Baptist appears on the scene he says there is one coming after me who is going to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire this is the initial baptism of the Holy Spirit. It is optional when someone has this encounter. Sometimes in the Bible they had this encounter with the Holy Spirit at the same time that they believed on Jesus and then other times it came months later and some circles had not even heard of the baptism of the Holy Spirit so they received this a little later. A lot of denominations believe that as you put your faith in Jesus and in the work that he has done on the cross that you instantly received the Holy Spirit, I do not find that to be the case spiritually or scripturally. We are at different places in our walks on our spiritual journey and this process is instant for some and for others could tarry for some time. The Holy spirit is definitely something that every person should believe for in their own lives as takes our spiritual walk to the next level. Without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit In Our Lives Christianity is but a dead religion. This is what separated the lives of Jesus and the Saints from the Pharisees of his day. They knew the law, they knew the rules and regulations and had a great outward appearance of godliness but Jesus says that inwardly they were empty tombs. As it was in his day so is it in ours, as many of our religious leaders have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof. Christianity without Christ it’s one of the most nastiest things on the planet. Without the leading of the Holy Spirit we have to get into manipulation, opinions and rules that in the end exalt themselves higher than the knowledge of Christ.