“Mindfulness is a vehicle for insight and wisdom that helps free us from suffering and to live with genuine well-being and peace. ” —Mark Coleman, From Suffering to Peace From Suffering to Peace by Mark Coleman Cuts through the Hype to Reveal the True Power of Mindfulness Like yoga before it, mindfulness is now flourishing in every sector of society. It is a buzzword in everything from medicine, the military, and education to sports, prisons, and psychology. Mark Coleman, who has studied and taught mindfulness meditation for decades, draws on his knowledge to not only clarify what mindfulness truly means but clearly elucidates the depth and potential of these ancient practices. Weaving together contemporary applications with practices based on teachings cultivated, studied, and put to practical use for millennia, his approach orients us to learn to engage with and transform the inevitable stress and pain of life, so we can discover a genuine peace, ― in the body, heart, mind and the world. While deep, profound, and multilayered, the mindfulness teachings Coleman shares has proved effective in a wide variety of settings. From Suffering to Peace will help readers of all kinds access and benefit from the “true promise of mindfulness.”
In this episode of The TruthSeekah Podcast TruthSeekah speaks with Mark Coleman about his new book From Suffering to Peace : The True Promise of Mindfulness.