Why try to fit in when you were born to stand out, for you are peculiar people, in doing so will save you much heartache and dis-ease. Have you ever been to a church function or a Christian hangout and tried talking about Jesus or the things of God but when you do you are looked at like an alien or a mad person? I remember when I first came back to the Lord in 2000, I had such a hunger and thirst for his presence that nothing on this plane of existence could quench. When I gave my life to the Lord we would have awesome encounters at church with God but deep down within we couldn’t wait to leave because we would all gather at someone’s house to seek the Lord even deeper and pray for one another in the spirit.
Every time that we gathered to do this the presence of God would show up
so strong that people who had never before had a relationship with Christ were experiencing the baptism of the Holy Spirit and having their lives transformed. Eventually when some of the leadership caught wind that this was happening at our home after church they questioned us of why we wanted to pray with the youth. They told us that it was fine to fellowship with the youth but why not just go see a movie, why not just go bowling, why did we feel the need to gather and pray? Didn’t we get enough prayer at church? And they were dead serious. These statements perplexed me at the time because I thought that they would rejoice in all of the salvations and new people that were now coming to the church through our fellowships. I social-interactions1think that was the moment where I knew that some people were in it for many different reasons and not after a common goal which is to see Jesus lifted high and lives transformed. To this day my emphasis has always been on creating an atmosphere for people to encounter the presence of God, because only then can they have their own experience and not have to take anyone elses word for it. I found in those early days that the spirit of revival starts simply with one or two people. It starts with a person getting so passionate about making Jesus famous that there’s nothing they can do to hold it in. We’ve seen high school students stay up to 4 and 5a.m. fasting and praying, worshipping God until the wee hours of the morning and then getting up for school at 6 then coming home and doing the same thing again and again. These were teens who desired the presence of God more than they desired sleep. I can tell you the truth is that revival is birthed simply out of desperation for God.
With that being said we still find ourselves doing ridiculous things outside of our character to try to find some normality in our Christian walk. Sometimes we just get tired, sometimes we just grow weary walking the narrow path but the truth really is that we are held to a higher standard, and we as Christians possess the very thing that the entire world is searching for. That is a great responsibility and can sometimes feel overwhelming. If we don’t daily submit ourselves to God and bask in the presence of The Holy Spirit there is absolutely no way that we can carry this burden on our own, this is why Jesus tells us that His yoke is easy and his burden is light. Again, this comes only from a daily surrender at the feet of Jesus. Sometimes we just want to feel like a regular person. There is also a heavy burden in understanding that those who we presume to be held at the same standard as us can live mediocre lives and get away with it. Why is it that our peers can live in blatant sin and still have popular ministries? How is it that other Christians can seem to be so successful and not even talk about Jesus, not even so as much as to mention his name? I tell you the truth is that whereas others may, you may not. Your calling comes with such a degree of obedience that you will not see your destiny without fully relying on the grace of God. Others have left Jesus and still remain so-called successful but your success relies on making Jesus famous. There is nothing more fulfilling that a person can do and nothing on this earth of lasting value but to do this. You may have been mocked, ridiculed and even called an extremist because you absolutely, wholeheartedly rely on the blood of Jesus. Others may scoff at your dependency on the gospel but when God reveals that which is in you, that which has been refined in the fire 7 times over, nothing shall overshadow or even stand a chance against the anointing of the true sons and daughters of God. The Scriptures testify that he who is forgiven much, loves much, and this love is measured through your obedience. Your obedience to the truth that is in Jesus.
There is an identity crisis in the body of Christ and this is why now more than ever we need to search the scriptures for ourselves to know the heart of God and read about who He says we are.
If we do not know who we are, and whose we are then it will be so much more convincing to believe what the world says about us.
It is so easy to conform to the patterns around us in somewhat of a mob mentality and just do what everyone else is doing. But if we are wanting to see change and see true revival then it must begin within ourselves. The Scriptures testify that judgment begins in the house of God and we are that house. I’ve seen revival break out with one person surrendering their lives fully to the will of God, so let’s stop sitting around waiting for someone else to do what only we are called to do.