In this episode of The TruthSeekah Podcast TruthSeekah is joined by Laura Beers as they discuss spiritual and emotional healing as we journey to heal our spirits.
The Motivational Medium®, Laura Beers is a Motivational Speaker, Evidential Psychic Medium, Certified Spiritual Coach, Writer and Ordained Minister located on the Central East Coast of Florida. She is honored to work with you and your loved ones in Spirit for your guidance and healing, especially around grief and loss. Whether it’s loss of a job, relationship, pet passing or a loved one that has passed on, there are many tools you can incorporate into your life to make it better, even though it will be different from now on. She also loves to help her clients to develop their own gifts. Heal Your Spirit with Laura!
HealYourSpirit2 means: When you heal your spirit, you positively affect others by being a positive role model and physically having a higher vibration!