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In this episode of The TruthSeekah Podcast TruthSeekah speaks with Rebekah Simon-Peter as they discuss her new book Dream Like Jesus: Deepen Your Faith and Bring the Impossible to Life.

Rebekah Simon-Peter explores her own spiritual journey and helps leaders learn to get past the “standard” Christianity and learn to dream like Jesus, thus inspiring individuals and congregations to dream and achieve dreams previously thought impossible.

To get started, Simon-Peter identifies the eight symptoms of a church without vision, which include:

·         Shrinking numbers: The first warning sign of a church in decline.

·         Problem people: Conflict increases as the pool of resources decreases.

·         Stagnant giving: If you don’t lead with vision, people won’t be inspired to give.

·         Listless worship: Without vision, worship is like throwing a party where the guest of honor never shows up.

·         Gutless prayer: Pastoral prayer reveals which churches are playing it safe, and which are playing full out.

·         Bait-and-switch evangelism: Young people are looking for a vibrant community of faith, not a poorly disguised attempt to increase donations.

·         Insulated focus: A congregation that isn’t an integral part of the life of the community.

·         Dead-end decision making: When caution elbows faith out of the driver’s seat, nothing gets accomplished.

To address these problems, Simon-Peter introduces the DARE model of dreaming like Jesus—Dream (like Jesus), Align (others to your dream), Realize (the dream) and Expand (the dream).  She encourages congregations to dream big and own their spiritual authority. To understand their role as a partner in creation of a better world, a world where anyone can reclaim Jesus’s power to dream and co-create miracles. A world where new and better realities are brought into being. And the time to start is now.

REBEKAH SIMON-PETER is passionate about reconnecting spiritual leaders with the God-given powers to co-create miracles with the divine. Her award-winning program, Creating a Culture of Renewal®, has energized church leaders across the country to reclaim their calling and to grow their ministries. She is also the author The Jew Named Jesus, Green Church, and 7 Simple Steps to Green Your Church. Learn more at

Get Your Copy of Dream Like Jesus: Deepen Your Faith and Bring the Impossible to Life Here



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