Wendy Darling joins TruthSeekah in this episode of The TruthSeekah Podcast as they discuss how to move past trauma and create your miraculous life!

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After surviving a near-fatal accident in 1990, Wendy Darling began a journey of slowly putting the pieces of her life together. In addition to her broken body, every aspect of her life had also fallen apart. Her marriage ended. Her former husband was awarded full custody of their son, who was only 4.5 at that time. For a period of time, she was unable to work. There were many, many days where she wondered how she was going to dig out of this hole in which she found herself. Yet, at the same time, she could feel a new, inner stirring that kept her searching, learning, and growing. And it was when she followed her mother’s advice to learn how to meditate that her life began to open up to true healing. Never has it been more important for you to reach inside of yourself and fulfill what Wendy refers to as your Divine Destiny. You have something special to offer. You were created with a uniqueness like no other. And it is your job to discover what that is and cultivate your gifts and skills so that you are making your special mark in life. Dreams really do come true. Miracles are waiting for you, wanting you. Create Your Miraculous Life (It’s NEVER Too Late) is going to take you on a journey to uncover your deepest desires and ways to miraculously be able to materialize them. Yes, when dreams come true, it can and does feel miraculous. And when there is a desire in your heart, it is your TRUTH. Fulfilling your desire is not only possible; it is your destiny to “go for it.” So if you are reading this now, there is still something within you that deeply desires a richer, more fulfilling life. Create Your Miraculous Life (It’s NEVER Too Late) was written just for you. Discover how you, too, can create and live a beautiful, fulfilling, and miraculous life.



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