Is meditation demonic? Is meditation scriptural? Meditation is often misunderstood within Christian circles, with many labeling it as “New Age” or even demonic. This widespread concern has fueled debates about whether practices like entering a trance state or meditating can align with biblical teachings. In this discussion, let’s dive into scripture and examine whether meditation and trance states can indeed have a place in a Christian’s spiritual life.
Meditation and Trance States are in the Bible
The Bible explicitly mentions meditation and trance states in several contexts. In Acts 10:10, Peter goes to a rooftop to pray and “falls into a trance” where he receives a profound vision from God. Similarly, Paul recounts in Acts 22:17 that while praying in the temple, he entered a trance and encountered Jesus, who gave him specific instructions.
The Greek word for trance, ekstasis, translates to “ecstasy” or “a displacement of the mind,” indicating a state of astonishment or being enraptured. These moments of divine connection highlight how prayer and meditation can create profound encounters with God.
Dispelling the Fear of Meditation
Many Christians equate meditation with emptying the mind, associating it with occult practices or opening oneself to demonic influence. However, biblical meditation is not about losing oneself but about focusing on God. Psalm 1:2encourages believers to meditate on God’s law “day and night,” implying a deliberate engagement with His word and presence.
The notion that trance states are inherently demonic is also refuted by scripture. In the instances mentioned above, the visions and instructions Peter and Paul received during trances were directly from God. Instead of fear, Christians are called to approach these states with discernment, guided by scripture and the Holy Spirit.
How to Approach Meditation Biblically
- Start with Prayer: Begin by seeking God’s presence with humility and reverence. Invite Him to guide your thoughts and heart.
- Focus on Scripture: Biblical meditation involves deeply contemplating God’s word, allowing it to shape your thoughts and actions.
- Be Still: Psalm 46:10 reminds us to “be still and know that I am God.” Create a quiet space to hear His voice.
- Discern His Voice: God’s guidance aligns with scripture, brings peace, and bears good fruit. If you feel unsure, compare it to His word.
A Call to Deepen Your Faith
Meditation, when centered on God, is a tool for spiritual growth. It deepens your connection with the Creator, aligns your will with His, and provides clarity in your walk with Christ. Far from being demonic, it is a biblical practice that allows Christians to experience the transformative power of God’s presence.
As Jesus said, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7). Let meditation be your way of seeking, knocking, and entering the secret place where God awaits.