I speak about calling God Father and why that is important for me because during the show we referred to God as He or She. For me it is personal because I grew up without a father and God promises in the scriptures to be a Father to the fatherless. I believe the scripture and that particular promise and have seen God show up and be the Father that I never knew. Practically and supernaturally I have seen God step into my life and become a friend closer than a brother. I saw God begin to teach me through every situation and circumstance in my life. I’ve also experienced correction as a true father would correct his son or daughter, God began to correct me when I was wrong or in error. I would be led to jobs to work for a period of time long enough for God to instill a character trait or trade that wasn’t imparted by a father. This included practice things such as landscaping, changing oil and sheer work ethic. The question that I asked at the end of the discussion was that as much as I saw God as a Father in my life, I wonder if those out there raised by their father could relate more to the feminine aspects of God being more of a mother figure for them. I see God as the father reaching down and creating mankind out of the dust of the Earth and the Earth being represented as the mother Gaia becoming pregnant with new life and birthing mankind. But those qualities imparted only by a mother that the soul does not receive being raised only by a man does God show up in that aspect for them?
Protected By The Promise | The Divine Hand of God | Maimah Karmo
Download – Listen In iTunes In this episode of the TruthSeekah Podcast TruthSeekah speaks with Maimah Karmo about her story of holding on to the promises of God. When Maimah was only 8 years old she remembers having a dream where she spoke to God. God told Maimah in…