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In this episode of The TruthSeekah Podcast TruthSeekah is joined by Corina Toncz-Pataki as they discuss Ascension and Opening Portals To Heaven. Heaven is a place not that we go to when we die but a place that we go to when we live! Jesus taught us to pray “On Earth as it is in Heaven” and it is Gods will not to simply get you into Heaven but to get Heaven inside of you! This is the mystery of the kingdom within, whatever is outside of you is within you first and God has not called you to seek something outside of yourself. He has given us everything that we need and it is found within. The outside is a manifestation of what is already inside, this is from where everything flows; relationships, experiences, finances etc. everything starts from within. As we grow in our knowledge of the Word and intimacy with God, The Father releases portions of insight into who we really are through the revelation of son ship. As God gives us glimpses of who we are, then, faith is released to step out and believe God for the miraculous. This is a place that we are called to walk in where the supernatural becomes natural and spiritual manifestations become the norm. It has and always be a faith game. Do you really believe. Will you hold on to the promises of God even though the circumstances and situations currently speak otherwise? When God is able to trust us with the little things He will then release the prosperity of our purpose and it is all found as we dwell within His presence. The Father has given us free access to His courts by the way of what Jesus has done on the cross as the propitiation for our sins making us acceptable and pleasing in the love of The Father. Now, God petitions us to boldly come before His throne of grace and receive council directly from Him. Ascending into the heavenlies to commune with The Father is a supernatural experience in and of itself but it all stems from a place that are already positioned in Him. You are not becoming, you already are. God is not going to forgive you, He already has. Your revelation of identity will be ever-increasing as you fall deeper and deeper in love with the Father. As we gaze upon Him only then can we see ourselves as we truly are. Healed, whole, blessed, favored and loved.

Listen To Corinas Interview With TruthSeekah On Her Show Kingdom Reflections

Corina Interviews Derek – TruthSeekah Part 1 from Corina Toncz-Pataki on Vimeo.

Corina Interviews Derek – TruthSeekah Part 2 from Corina Toncz-Pataki on Vimeo.

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